WebSocket websocket/v1:



tokenstringqueryBenzinga websocket token (bz.production***).
pageintegerqueryPage offset (0 - 100000). Limit the query results by other parameters such as date.
pagesizeintegerqueryNumber of results returned (Limit 1000).
parameters[date]stringqueryDate to query for calendar data (Defaults to latest).
parameters[date_from]stringqueryDate to query from a point in time.
parameters[date_to]stringqueryDate to query to a point in time.
parameters[date_sort]stringqueryField sort option for earnings calendar (Apply :desc, :asc for sort order).
parameters[tickers]stringqueryOne or more ticker symbols separated by a comma (Maximum 50 tickers).
parameters[importance]integerqueryThe importance level to filter by (0 - 5).
parameters[updated]integerqueryRecords last updated Unix timestamp (UTC).

Stream Response

When you subscribe to the stream, you’ll receive updates about analyst insights in the following format:

    "id": "839f1f45-fffe-4801-9284-11dae5c5dae4",
    "api_version": "websocket/v1",
    "kind": "data/v2.1/calendar/earnings",
    "data": {
        "action": "created",
        "id": "66fffe978f3f630001a2ea56",
        "content": {
            "currency": "USD",
            "cusip": "00401G109",
            "date": "2024-10-04",
            "date_confirmed": 0,
            "eps": "",
            "eps_est": "",
            "eps_prior": "",
            "eps_surprise": "",
            "eps_surprise_percent": "",
            "eps_type": "",
            "exchange": "TSXV",
            "id": "66fffe978f3f630001a2ea56",
            "importance": 0,
            "isin": "CA00401G1099",
            "name": "ACADEMY METALS INC",
            "notes": "",
            "period": "Q3",
            "period_year": 2023,
            "revenue": "",
            "revenue_est": "",
            "revenue_prior": "",
            "revenue_surprise": "",
            "revenue_surprise_percent": "",
            "revenue_type": "",
            "ticker": "AM",
            "time": "10:41:27",
            "updated": 1728052946
        "timestamp": "2024-10-04T14:42:27.167526889Z"


  • 200 OK
    • Description: Success
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Schema: EarningsWSResp

Data Structures


The main response structure for earnings data.

idstringUnique UUID for the WebSocket response
api_versionstringWebSocket API version
kindstringWebSocket connection stream type
dataobjectContains the action and details of the earnings data

Data Object (inside EarningsWSResp)

actionstringWebSocket data action (e.g., created, updated, deleted)
idstringData ID for the earnings
contentobjectThe earnings details (see below)
timestampstringTimestamp of the data

Earnings Schema (inside data content)

idstringUnique identifier for the earnings
datestringAnnounced Date on Calendar
date_confirmedstringIf the report date was confirmed (1/0)
timestringAnnounced Time on Calendar (24hr format)
tickerstringTicker Symbol (F, MSFT, etc…)
exchangestringExchange (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc…)
namestringName of the security
currencystringCurrency the data is denominated in
periodstringPeriod of the earnings actual (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, FY, H1, H2)
period_yearintegerPeriod Year of the earnings actual
eps_typestringEPS Type (Adj, GAAP, FFO)
epsstringComparable and Adjusted Earnings Per Share
eps_eststringAdjusted EPS Consensus Aggregate Analyst Estimate
eps_priorstringAdjusted EPS from Prior Period
eps_surprisestringEPS deviation from estimate
eps_surprise_percentstringDeviation from estimate as a percentage
revenue_typestringRevenue Type (Adj, GAAP, FFO)
revenue_eststringRevenue estimate
revenue_priorstringRevenue value for previous period
revenue_surprisestringRevenue deviation from estimate
revenue_surprise_percentstringDeviation from estimate as a percentage
importanceintegerImportance of the event to the market (0-5)
notesstringAdditional notes provided by the Benzinga Newsdesk
updatedintegerLast updated timestamp (UTC)

Success Response

  • Success 101 - Websocket connection established successfully.

✅ Connected to wss://api.benzinga.com/api/v2.1/calendar/earnings?token=bz.p***

Handshake Details

Request Method: “GET”
Status Code: “101 Switching Protocols”

Error Response

  • Unauthorized 401 - Invalid token, check the token provided.

❗ Could not connect to wss://api.benzinga.com/api/v2.1/calendar/earnings/stream?token=bz.p***

Error: Unexpected server response: 401

Handshake Details

Request Method: “GET”
Status Code: “401 Unauthorized”
  • Bad Gateway 502 - Either invalid route or server error.

❗ Could not connect to wss://api.benzinga.com/api/v2.1/calendar/earnings/stream?token=bz.p***

Error: Unexpected server response: 502

Handshake Details

Request Method: “GET”
Status Code: “502 Bad Gateway”